Wednesday, July 8, 2009


July 7, 2009


What is it about the anticipation of a baby’s arrival that brings about inability to sleep past 4 a.m.?  If it’s not my hips screaming at me to WAKE UP, it’s the thoughts whirling through my mind!!!

Is it me? Or do most moms experience the same productive 4a.m. wakeful hours prior to baby?  I often wonder if this is why Dominic woke at 4 am and eventually 4:30 for almost the fist year after his birth – I conditioned him prior to his arrival by my weeks of 4 a.m. wakeups?  I suppose this theory will be tested with sweet baby number two.

Enough of my internal babble. 

Hello family, hello friends!  It’s time to tread into this world of “social media” and begin to share some “snapshots” of Lepore Life.  My purpose is two-fold. First, I owe it to our dear family in Ohio to share our wee ones.  The remainder of our family and friends may even appreciate and occasional glimpse as well.  Second, I have this thing about writing that I have quite clearly put on the back burner for too long.  Perhaps this semi-public blog will inspire me to finally put “pen to paper” and begin sharing.  Time will tell.

What better time to is there to start a blog than days, maybe hours before the arrival of our long-anticipated newest family member?  

As I was tossing in bed this morning – before I finally got up at 3:56 – I was thinking back to when Dominic arrived.  What sort of lessons we have learned and discoveries we have stumbled across.   Let’s begin…


Dominic:  JOY – v [intrans.] rejoice. I’d add to this definition, “basking or awakened by absolute happiness.”

Upon Dominic’s arrival I will forever remember JOY.  When we first met Dominic, it was the only word I conjure up to describe this indescribable.  It was like having my breath taken away by a flood of happiness.  Joy – I could taste it, smell it and feel it’s warm radiance. 

Since Dominic’s arrival, there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t pause and reflect upon the laughter, smiles, and awe and wonder that out little man inspires.  

Joy is delicious!

Baby Girl:  PATIENCE - n. The capacity to accept delay, trouble or suffering without getting upset.

On so many levels, our soon-to-be sweet baby girl is teaching me the meaning of patience.  From her conception, she taught me to relinquish control.  She will appear when she is ready.  It’s not about our schedule or our expectations.  We need to sit back and enjoy the ride.  Be patient. 

It is only as of this week that I have discovered that throughout this journey of so wanting our second child, I have had to learn patience. 

First, be open to new experiences.  I must say this has been an eye-opening discovery.  I think that I have unconsciously assumed that our second child experience would mirror our first.  Not so.  She will be her own little unique self!

Let’s start with birth preparation.  I assumed that our second childbirth experience would be similar to our first – au natural.  Not so.

I must say, I have forgotten the intensity of the pain of labor and honestly remember it as a beautiful pain that lead to the apogee of joy.  (OK, so I remember the pain of childbirth as making the slow slog to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro look like a walk in the park. But truly, it was worth every grueling second of pain and I was looking forward to reliving that feeling again.)

Think again.  Be patient.  Be open to a new experience --  Cesarean. 

Yes, our second child has decided to hang out in the breech position. This time it looks as if the birth of our child will not be as closely in our hands but in the hands of well-educated experts.  Probably a good thingJ

Needless to say, no beautiful pushing and “coaxing” the child into the world this time around; instead, a gentle arrival on her part.  This time forget the relaxation exercises and gentle music, mostly intimate experience for Chris and I to share. Instead, mentally prepare for large medical crew of 

nurses, anaestheologists and surgeons to administer heavy narcotics and sedation under bright lights.  Prepare for abdominal incision.  Anticipate an entirely new birthing experience.  Bask in the joy of  the gentle arrival of our sweet baby girl!  Let the child take the lead.  Be patient… 

Oh, so many new lessons about patience will gradually appear.  I must take a deep breath and savor each lesson.

Patience truly is a virtue!

 Good-bye for today!  Wonder when our next posting will appear?

The Photos

Left:  Dominic's Arrival -- So maybe he wasn't exactly "gently coaxed".

Right: Just a little photo of our little Mr. Magoo as we so fondly started calling our wee little guy.  Most people said he looked like a little old man.  He eventually grew into his skin!  It will be so fun to look at their arrival pictures side by side!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Sis... It's good to see you writing, too! Can't wait to greet the new little Lepore in person next week or sooner :)
